Conservatives Abroad urge the Prime Minister to introduce Votes For Life The Chairman of Conservatives Abroad, Heather Harper, has written to the Prime Minster urging him to introduce legislation to fulfill the Conservative Party Manifesto commitment to remove the 15 year rule that prevents millions of British expats from voting in general elections. Heather has asked the Prime Minister to address the issue in this parliament's first Queen's Speech in time for the 2017 European Referendum. Congratulating the Prime Minister on his historic victory, Heather pointed out that expat voter registration had almost quadrupled from its 2010 level, thanks mainly to Conservatives Abroad's Think Of Three campaign. She said that giving Votes for Life will bring millions more expat voters into our democratic system and place the Conservative Party firmly as the champion of Briton’s living abroad. Conservatives Abroad has campaigned hard within the Party and to remove the 15 year rule and was very pleased that the Prime Minster was persuaded to include the commitment in the Party Manifesto.