Here is the letter sent today from Harry Schindler OBE to the Prime Minister. Conservatives Abroad has been actively supporting 95 year old ex-serviceman Harry in his personal campaign to remove the 15 year rule.
Rt.Hon David Cameron M.P. 11th May 2015
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Dear Prime Minister,
Please allow me to congratulate you on the outcome of the General Election.
I am sure this letter will not come as a surprise.
You kindly wrote to me on the 28th January, 2015 and in your letter were these lines…
“That is why we have recently pledged that if we win the General Election, we will abolish the ‘15 year rule’ that prevents millions of British expats from being able to vote. If our party wins power in May, we will remove the cap that prevents Britons from voting in UK elections after they have been out of the country for 15 years and allow them the vote for life. I hope you find this reassuring.”
We are hence expecting the matter of returning the vote to British expats to be a proposal in the ‘Queens Speech’.
We ask that it be one of the first acts of your Government.
We – one million British expats – not only wish to vote in any future Referendum, but will organise our one million votes, for we more than most have a real interest in the outcome.
Yours sincerely,
Harry Shindler MBE
Representative in Italy
Italy Star Association