The Sydney branch of Conservatives Abroad held their Winter Dinner at the Union, University & Schools Club of Sydney on the evening of the 13th of June with guest of honour Mr Matthias Sonn, Deputy Head of the German Mission to Australia and his partner Rhian Chilcott. Discussions centred around the topic, ' What does the future hold for the European Union'. Mr. Sonn commented, "Its was great to see such an active and passionate group ensuring the British expat community is well served in Sydney". Mike Todd the Chairman of the Sydney Conservatives thanked Mr Sonn for his time commenting, "to have such a distinguished guest to discuss matters of Europe and the wider International community was a real treat for the branch". Mike Todd went on to say " the Sydney Conservatives Abroad continues to offer the expat community in Sydney a voice and as a branch we strive to make a real difference at the next UK general election"
Guests from Left: Lauren Moore, Nikki Kinloch, Tom Robertson, James Connell, Sean Lomas, Rhian Chilcott, Matthias Sonn, Mike Todd, Alexander Drake, Alastair Kinloch, Keith Petersen.