February 26th is Overseas Registration Day and to encourage as many people as possible to register to vote Conservatives Abroad are launching a great new competition.
We have a signed copy of William Hague's award winning biography of William Pitt the Younger and a £50 Amazon voucher for the person who encourages the most number of overseas friends and family to register. It’s a great read, with one reviewed saying “William Hague examines with the keen eye of an experienced politician, the enigmatic life and tumultuous times of a man capable of both wit and arrogance, economic genius and financial mismanagement. A rich cast of characters and a vivid backdrop of global conflict make this riveting biography of Pitt the Younger compulsive reading”.
All you have to do is persuade them to register, send them to www.conservativesabroad.org where they will find the register to vote section, and let us know by May 6th how many you have enrolled. You can do this by sending a list of email addresses of those you have persuaded to register to [email protected] .
The reason for collecting the emails is that Conservatives Abroad are planning to run an opinion survey of newly registered overseas voters to see how easy or hard it was to do. We will use the results in our future discussions with the Electoral Commission.
Currently only 0.5% of Britons living abroad and eligible to register actually do so. We want to see this number increase significantly both to boost Conservative support in the May European Parliamentary elections and to help to secure a Conservative victory in 2015.
The reasons why we want more overseas voters to register are :
· To maximise the Conservative vote at the European Parliamentary elections in May and again in the General Election in 2015
· To show MPs that there is a sizable number of overseas voters in their constituencies who have issues that need to be listened to
So, please think hard about your friends, neighbours and family where you are and see how many you can get to register. That signed copy could be yours.
Good luck.