The final piece of the jigsaw needed to implement our long-running Votes for Life policy fell into place this week.
The Representation of the People (Overseas Electors etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 was tabled in Parliament on 23 October and should, after debate and an affirmative vote, be in place during January 2024 - therefore allowing the new overseas voter framework to fully come into effect by 31 January 2024, enfranchising an estimated 3.4 million additional overseas electors.
The above was preceded by the passing in Parliament last week of the Representation of the People (Postal and Proxy Voting etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 which has enabled online applications for postal and proxy votes, including by overseas electors. This can already be accessed HERE.
Votes for Life has been a longstanding Conservative Party campaign goal and only the Conservatives have delivered the right to vote at British General Elections to all Britons living overseas. Labour have always opposed this measure while the LibDems blocked the measure when they were in Government in 2014.
You may read about the history of the Votes for Life campaign HERE.
#Votes for Life